Vendor Applications



MARCH 23rd, 2019

Tasting Vendors


To keep the fest green this year we are not allowing any plastic water bottles this year. If you would like to have water available we can get you in touch with a water box vendor.

Tasting vendors include any person/business preparing dishes, including food trucks. Because this is a long festival (11am-7pm) in order to ensure freshness of ingredients and give as many restaurants and eateries the opportunity to participate, we are breaking up the day into 2 time blocks (11am-3pm & 3pm-7pm) for tastings. Food trucks are the exception and will be there throughout the day. We prefer local ingredients if possible, vegan options are appreciated, and if you would like, we can help pair you with a local beverage. We request that you confirm your tasting dish(es) 7 days prior to the fest. 

Each tasting vendor is required to provide at least one tasting-size dish worth 1-3 dollars throughout their stay. 

Vendors handle their own cash transactions and keep all profits.

Cost is $250 per time slot for tasting vendors wanting tent space, which includes two six foot tables, prep space, source of water, ice and/or cold storage space, space under our Tasting Tents and a crowd of 30,000.

Food trucks staying for the entire day get a space for their vehicle, ice and/or cold storage and a crowd of 30,000 people coming through the fest. Cost is $350. Space is very limited, and we reserve the right to reject any truck.

Send checks to: GastroJax 4609 Appleton Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210

Applications can be sent by mail or electronically to

Download Tasting Vendor 2019 Application

Educational Vendors

Non-profits and others that want to educate the public about local beverages, and making or growing local food can be an educational vendor. Educational vendors cannot sell a product at the festival. Not all educational vendors will be accepted. Electricity is not available for most educational vendors, but on request, we can see if it can be provided. The fest goes from 11am-7pm on March 23rd. Send the finished applications to

Download Educational Vendor 2019 Application

Marketplace Vendors

These vendors do not serve prepared dishes and include food themed t-shirts, chef’s tools, dishes, kitchenware, honey, jams, coffee, baked goods, dried goods such as rice or spices, pickles, pops and popcorn. Cost is $165 for the day. You provide your own set-up. The fest goes from 11am-7pm on March 23rd. Send the finished applications to Send checks to: GastroJax 4609 Appleton Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210

To keep the fest green this year we are not allowing any plastic water bottles this year. If you would like to have water available we can get you in touch with a water box vendor.

Download Marketplace 2019 Application

Gastro JaxVendor Applications